Rakuten PriceMinister
PriceMinister, owned by Rakuten, is a French C2C ecommerce marketplace platform and the fifth most visited ecommerce site in France.
With an Akeneo PIM solution from 52 Northwest, you can integrate your Rakuten PriceMinister marketplace into all major ecommerce and ERP systems, simplifying your data management.

PriceMinister sells more than 200 million products across a wide range of categories from 5,000 merchants including individuals and small businesses as well as international brands like Zara, Sony and Levi’s. PriceMinister offers a number of benefits to sellers, including the ability to brand and customise your store, as well as access to marketing tools and a consultant with expertise in your industry. Although a French company, PriceMinister-Rakuten extends its reach beyond France, with 6% of their customers based in countries including Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.